April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Oh, crap.

Iranian Officials Obstruct Nuke Inspectors
"We're not scared of anything."

For the story, go here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll admit it up front, probably because of AND inspite of my background, I'm definitely what you might call a Mid-East sympathiser (not to be confused with an apologist), I've always been hugely pro-Palestinian, etc, etc.. but this chap really gets up my nose. Iran is so much more tolerant and culturally advanced, than say, Saudi Arabia, they have women lawyers, women filmakers, non-segregated public places. It makes Saudi look like somewhere out of the Dark Ages. This yo-yo claims he's a champion for Iran and freedom from Western oppression. What a lie! It's all so self-serving. He's not interested in the people of Iran, he's not doing them any favours. He's a danger to them and allows the voices of dangerous people on all sides to be heard over those of moderation. I don't believe in political assassination, so I hope he slips in the bath. Then maybe someone could point out that Allah willed it!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

Oh man, "slips in the bath." That's hilarious.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i were a state looking for international relevance, you better believe i'd be trying to go nuclear.

notice the difference between iraq and n. korea? hmmm...

12:51 PM  
Blogger Lauren said...

I understand what you're saying and I happen to disagree, but I just got annihilated (sp?) on another blog for saying what I thought (which happened to contradict the popular opinion, apparently). Or it felt like I did, anyway.

So I'm gonna lay low on this one. Catch up with me in a week or two, though, and I'll tell you what I really think.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Lauren. For all the talk of open-mindedness and tolerance these days, most people still hate anything that contradicts their pet theories. Most people only want to hear what they already feel/believe/think. And when they gather or operate in groups, they act like dogs--pack instinct takes over and they feel a rush, an urge to aggression which stems from a sense of belonging to something larger and stronger than their own individual self. Like dogs they'll do things they'd never do or say if they were alone. Yet if they were in a situation similar to your own, they'd leave feeling oppressed and outraged--no doubt complaining about the ignorance and fanataicism of the group. Bully for you for doing otherwise!

Wow. I can see I'm a sentence or two short of a rant here, so I'll bow out now. :D /soapbox

3:17 AM  

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