April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Caledon, or Donny Osmond's Naked Butt Cheeks

Tonight I saw, hmm, how do I even explain this one?

I went to a Caledon concert -- "Scotland's Three Tenors" -- with Bill (the dad who works at BBC). I went in thinking, "Okay, tenors. Expect opera." But Bill had told me (warned me?) that there would probably be kilts involved, so I totally took him up on the invitation when he mentioned that. Just for the novelty of it. Not because I wanted to see naked man buns. But saw 'em, I did.

So the first half of the concert was generally unassuming and measured. Pretty good voices, if you're into that sort of thing, and they sang some Scottish folk songs that were kind of nice, though I couldn't understand a word of it. And the middle tenor looked just like Donny Osmond to me.

The second half of the concert, after intermission, was markedly different. A couple of songs in, the pianist started rocking out (Does one "rock out" on piano?) to... I can't really remember. Annie Lennox? Rod Stewart? Anyway, some Scottish pop songs. Then the tenors came out in neon orange kilts. They did a medley of Scottish pop songs, including my favorite, "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand -- pelvic thrusts for "take," "me," and "out" in the chorus. (If you know the song, this might be funnier.)

At some point, the dudes did twirls, and yes, my friends, I saw Donny Osmond's naked butt cheeks. Not altogether a bad thing, but definitely more bad than good.

Who would go to a show like this, you ask? Old women. And by old, I mean in their seventies. As Bill put it, "Those old ladies were all but throwing their panties on the stage. Well, their hideously long, large knickers, anyway."

They ended their set with a lively rendition of The Proclaimers' "500 Miles" which I will, undoubtedly, be singing for days on end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you take pictures? Mama Jo would like to see!

8:24 AM  
Blogger Joanne said...

"They ended their set with a lively rendition of The Proclaimers' "500 Miles" which I will, undoubtedly, be singing for days on end."

Only if it's in a Fiero! How I Met Your Mother anyone

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriuosly, Joanne. Esther got me hooked on that show, and now I've got my roommate hooked on it.

"Don't worry. It'll come around again."

3:28 PM  

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