April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Names of Boys Lexia and I Could Never Date

1. All letter-dot-letter-dot names, such as D.J., T.J., P.J., J.D., J.T., etc. This includes the phonetic spelling of these names, for instance, Deejay.

2. All -nolds (or any variation), such as, but not limited to, Arnold, Ronald, Donald.

3. Poindexter.

4. Certain one-syllable names, such as Bill, Bob*, Ted, Fred. You get the point.

5.* Pallindrome names. (Is "Bob" the only one?)

6. Dick. Enough said.

7. Extremely foreign/ethnic names like Jean Claude, Salvador, Gio, Pierre, Hans or Franz.

8. Jesus (pronounced hay-soos).

9. Any guy whose last name rhymes with my first name and who is a potential marriage candidate: (Lexia) Dexia or (Lauren) Boren.

10. Double-name names like Billy Bob, Bobby Joe, Billy Joe, etc.

Who says we're picky?

What exactly is in a name? To find out more about the implications of naming, like, google it or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, those aren't all that foreign.

Now Phen, Hideo, Jafar and Alceides and Shlomo...THOSE are foreign-sounding.

1:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Names are queer because words are made of a sense (meaning) and a reference, but names are only a reference--names don't mean anything (even if the baby name book says your name means "crowned with laurel" we all know that when people say "Hey Lauren!" they don't mean "hey Crowned with Laurel!") they just have an object that the refer to.

11:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I like those foreign jean-claude and fabio names!

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Otto is also a pallindrome. And so is Hannah (if you are inclined towards girls). You might want to avoid dis, Lexia.

7:49 AM  

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