April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I'm writing this because it's not like I have three tests this week I should be studying for right now. (I do.)

Tonight I was driving to Atlanta from Wedowee, AL. (I dog-sat this weekend for my parents.) I had my iPod on shuffle and, apparently, it had this conspiracy going to only play the saddest songs on there. Or songs that had strong memories attached to them. So I spent most of my drive fast-forwarding to the next song.

Until I reached Nirvana. That's right. I landed on "Where Did You Sleep Last Night?" and I belted it out at the top (and I mean TOP) of my lungs. It felt so good to sing really loud (yeah, it was dark outside when I was driving), and to remember all of the words, and to remember when Kurt takes a breath. (Okay, yeah, no doubt about it. I was obsessed with Nirvana when I was younger. But I wasn't one of those kids who wore the Kurt Cobain t-shirts or cried over his death. I did read his biography, though.)

So I listened to Nirvana the rest of the ride home. And it was really interesting to me to think of how I've changed since I used to listen to them so much. I've liked Nirvana since I was in the 6th grade. 1994. Twelve years. I thought of all the things I had done since then -- places I had been, people I had met, ways I have changed -- over those twelve years. I thought of how I hadn't changed, how I maybe should've changed. I thought of events in my life that haven't happened yet, and I wondered if I will still like Nirvana when and if those events ever do occur.

I mean, I know it's an odd way to think of the past and the future -- through a band. But songs have such strong memories for me. I can remember riding the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, watching the Puget Sound go by, as I sat in the car and listened to Nevermind. Twelve years ago. Man. What will I be doing twelve years from now? What will you be doing?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't like Nirvana. I never had. I'm not sure why--I love grunge. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

3:49 AM  

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