April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Here's proof...

that I'm a weirdo even in my subconscious mind. I had a dream last night that I was flying over the Khyber Pass. (Yeah, I had to look it up to see exactly where and what it was, too. But I specifically remember thinking, "And now we're flying over the Khyber Pass.") I was flying in a helicopter at night on some secret mission for the military, and I had to hang from my knees from the poles under the helicopter when we got all the way to the Arabian Sea. I had to swoop down and grab something off of a buoy. At night. In the dark. That was my dream. Sara Snow and Sufjan Stevens were part of this elite military group. Pretty funny, huh? Sara, who loves to read and bake, Sufjan Stevens, who plays the banjo and knits, and me, the laziest person in my family, made up an elite military group.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone EVER would seriously consider me to be a part of an elite military group. No way, no how.

2:38 AM  

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