April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Alright, alright. Here's an update.

I've been told that the last post has been on so long that it's no longer "My Newest Project" but the one you see over and over again while you are waiting for me to update this thing.

So there's a couple of things I want to touch on for this post. The first being...

Last Saturday was one of the best I've had in "Brooklyn City." Brigham tells it best with his photos and witty captions. We saw a Guns N' Roses cover band called Mr. Brownstone. I forget how much I REALLY LIKE Guns N' Roses... Check it out here.

I'm sitting here in a heat that's making my upper-lip sweat. And my laptop's getting increasingly warm, so I'm typing in this crazy way so that my hands don't touch the base of the computer and my fingers only touch for the time efficient enough to press the keys. And darn the typos 'cause that's just one more time I have to touch this thing.

The other thing that I want to mention is how much fun it is to reminisce with friends. We all do this, right? Even if it's in our own heads. Sara and I were talking about some of the boys we really had crushes on all throughout school. We concluded that fourth grade seems to be the year that girls discover boys. Or at least it was for us. This all stems from our 5-year class reunion coming up in a couple of weeks. I'm not going for a variety of reasons, mainly because I couldn't find a flight out on the Sunday after the reunion. (I swear, that's the reason.) I mean, does anybody actually go to a five-year reunion? Ten-year reunion -- I'm there. But I don't feel like I have enough accomplished to brag about to people that I really want to show up.

Which is a pretty good segway into my next topic. (Hold on. Have to wipe the sweat from my forehead.) How do you...no. It's too hot. I'll leave you hangin' until tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update! I'm going to think about your most recent post and respond to it later...

2:36 PM  

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