April Birds and May Bees

Ain't no Literature here, folks.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What a weekend!

"Just stay in the middle lane."
"I can't get over!"
"Well, this lane turns into an exit lane, so you don't want to take it."
"I do want to take it?!?!?"
"No. Don't take it."
"No -- don't!"
"And you took it."

Let me just say, the Snow family is nuts (nong-u-tong-song). I feel okay about saying this on the world wide web, because they know they're nuts. And, I think, in fact, take pride in it.

I went on, what started as, a little road trip to Upstate New York with Sara, Lexia, and their mom, Cathy. At one point, we were in the Catskill Mountains (Cat-skills? Cats-kill? I'll leave it to Sara to explain the significance of the name...), which we, originally, had no intention of seeing, as we were supposed to be heading far west of the Catskills. It's a beautiful area that reminds me of the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee. "This area reminds me of (name another spot in America)" became a recurring theme of the trip. The rural parts of Central New York look like Pennsylvania (understandably). And parts of the Midwest. Anyway, we came to the conclusion that everywhere in America, invariably, looks like another place in America.

We went all the way to Niagara Falls on the western New York/Canada border. It was good to see it, if for no other reason than to be able to say I've been there. But I have to say, I much prefer Snoqualmie Falls' (in Washington State) lack of tourism and its natural beauty to the pomp that is Niagara Falls. I'll post pictures later. (My scanner's on its way to Georgia.)

We got back to our apartment at 2:30 this morning. It was quite the ride. I really enjoyed the trip itself, but the banter of the Snows added life to the pastoral landscape. Nuts, I tell you.

I'm thankful for: Side-splitting, ab-hurting laughter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The are crazy indeed!

-Brooks Snow

6:20 PM  

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